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Lorenzo Bruno.

He was born in Rome in 1989. Since when he was young he develops the passion for drawing and storytelling. At the “International School of Comics”, he studies animation in which he finds his ideal expressive way. Whit the director Annalisa Corsi, he realize the teaser for the movies "Kind Wolf" and the documentary "Flames of Gadda." In 2012 he landed to theater and meets Igor Renzetti and Alessandra Solimene, whit which he starts to experiment the video language on the stage. In the same year he begins to collaborate with the director Giorgio Barberio Corsetti, whit which he realises many projects: “Macbeth”  by Giuseppe Verdi (Teatro alla Scala, Milan); “I was looking at the ceiling and then I saw the sky”  by J. Adams (Theatre du Chatelet, Paris); “Le prince de Hombourg” by H. von Kleist (“Cour d'Honneur” for the “Festival d’Avignon”); “Gospodin”  by Philipp Löhle (RomaEuropa Festival, Rome); “Cinderella”  by G.Rossini (Teatro Massimo, Palermo); “Fra Diavolo” by D. Auber (Teatro dell’Opera, Rome), “King Lear” by Shakespeare (Teatro Argentina, Rome), “Don Pasquale” (Latvian National Opera, Riga), “Threepenny Opera” (Tokyo Festival, Tokyo). Directed by Massimo Popolizio, he made videos for the shows "Nemico del popolo" (Teatro Argentina, Rome) and "Furore" (Compagnia Orsini, Teatro India). On the occasion of "La Festa di Roma" for New Year Eve 2020 he is the video curator of the event, realizes two video-installations including the opening show for the concert at the Circus Maximus.                                              


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